Emotional Blueprint

Everyone does not process and relate to emotions in the same way.  

We don't all sense, perceive and experience things in the same way either, so this only makes sense.  But traditional emotional intelligence advice and the world of psychology would have you believe that there is one right way to process and relate to emotion. 

And you wanna know what? Sometimes following traditional emotional intelligence advice leads to: 

>> spinning your wheels + trying to push for clarity, which drives you into the mind

>> making yourself wrong

>> doing way more emotional labor than necessary

If you are:

>> looking to decondition their Solar Plexus or

>> tap into the power of your Emotional Authority and

>>leverage the power of your emotions as the channel for infinite wisdom (this channel is becoming ever more powerful as we move toward the Solar Plexus Mutation of 2027)

The Emotional Blueprint is for you. 

This is a personalized report that uses 6 keys of your human design chart to help you understand the ways your emotions are designed to move and metabolize so you can turn them into portals to improve your relationships and business.

Why does this matter?

Your logical mind has limits on what you think is possible for you.  There are all kinds of silent rules according to your identity, what you see around you, what others say is possible. 

But what is FOR YOU in this life exists beyond logic or rules.  You know this. That’s why manifestation practices say think big, so big that what you want scares you.  I don’t know about you, but that always falls flat in my experience. 

You don’t have to imagine it, you just have to be willing to open to FEEL in the way that is CORRECT FOR YOU.  And when you can move and metabolize emotions in alignment with your design, your access the wisdom from your Infinite Self opens up. 

And through that channel of emotional energy (aka wisdom coming from your Infinite, Highest Self), you are connected to the kind of relationship you always dreamed of but felt impossible to experience, the kind of parent you wished you always had but find yourself lost as to how to show up like that, the kind of business that moves with you, opens you up and fills up your heart and bank account because you’re doing what you love. 

Are you ready to make aligned moves that open up that channel? 

I'd love to guide you in the right direction with your Emotional Blueprint.  

Your investment? $77

If you desire a 30 min integration call to discuss and get personalized guidance based on what's showing up in your emotional world right now... there's a link inside to book an integration call. 

Just click "I'm in!" to get started.

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