Crystalline Emotion® Singles Collection

There is deep conditioning around emotion that causes us, as human beings to:

-> impulsively seek relief when emotional intensity comes up

-> see emotion as a problem that needs to be apologized for, defended or hidden

-> think resolving an emotion requires years of in depth excavation 

When, really, it's a neutral energy that takes on the frequency of how you relate to it. 

Impulsively seeking relief doesn't allow you to have a lot of conscious awareness around emotion, which ends up meaning you relate to it in a way that might require apology, defense and efforts to hide it so it doesn't "ruin" things or become subject to judgement.  

This ultimately interrupts the process of emotion completing, which is why you think it requires psychological surgery to resolve. 

This is no one's fault.  It's simply that we haven't been taught how to have a powerful relationship with emotion. 

What's available here, by beginning your practice of working with Crystalline Emotion, is:

-> relating to emotion as a portal to what you desire

Just orienting to emotion as something expansive instead of a problem means you approach it with more honor and openness.  That in and of itself is a major EQ upgrade.

-> getting really clear about emotions that come up for you which raises your self awareness levels  

More self awareness, less need for defenses and clean up.  Plus more self acceptance and intimacy with those you love.

-> alignment in your work and relationships because your emotions are giving you lots of information about your purpose, what's for you and your next steps

Every single one of my private clients experiences a notable increase in their intuitive gifts, even though that's not what they came to work on.  

This comes from cultivating a deep trust in themselves, their natural response and the ability to meet themselves in those responses. This is inevitable when you begin to work with emotion at this level.  The increase in their intuitive gifts means they have more information about actions to take before the reason for those actions make it to conscious awareness.

It's truly spectacular to watch inner knowing move like that.  This is available to you.

Are you ready to begin your journey with Crystalline Emotion? 

Click on the "Access the Crystalline Emotion Singles Collection" button below.  

It will ask you to sign in.  Unfortunately, there's no way around that on this platform! Your email information will not be used for anything. 

129 Modules

Crystalline Version of Abandonment*

Crystalline Version of Agitation

Crystalline Version of Alone

Crystalline Version of Anger

Crystalline Version of Anxiety

Crystalline Version of Apathy

Crystalline Version of Attacked

Crystalline Version of Aversion

Crystalline Version of Betrayal*

Definition: To have your trust broken, to be deserted or hurt by a trusted one. Betrayal of another is to be unfaithful in guarding or fulfilling a trust; to be disloyal or violate a confidence, to desert someone who trusts you. Betrayal of the self is to break integrity; act against oneʼs morals, to abuse the body or soul.

Crystalline Version of Blame

Crystalline Version of Bitterness*

Crystalline Version of Bored

Crystalline Version of Cautious (Guarded)

Crystalline Version of Concerned

Crystalline Version of Conflict (or Conflicted)*

Crystalline Version of Confusion*

Crystalline Version of Consternation

Crystalline Version of Contempt

Crystalline Version of Contrary

Crystalline Version of Creative Insecurity

Crystalline Version of Cynical*

Crystalline Version of Defeated

Crystalline Version of Dejected

Crystalline Version of Depleted

Crystalline Version of Depressed*

Crystalline Version of Deprived

Crystalline Version of Despair*

Crystalline Version of Desperate

Crystalline Version of Devalued

Crystalline Version of Disappointment*

Crystalline Version of Disapproval

Crystalline Version of Disbelief

Crystalline Version of Discombobulated

Crystalline Version of Discouragement

Crystalline Version of Disgruntled

Crystalline Version of Disgust

Crystalline Version of Disheartened

Crystalline Version of Disillusioned

Crystalline Version of Dismissive

Crystalline Version of Dismissed

Crystalline Version of Disrespected

Crystalline Version of Distrust

Crystalline Version of Dissatisfaction

Crystalline Version of Doubt*

Crystalline Version of Dread

Crystalline Version of Effort or Love Unreceived

Crystalline Version of Embarrassed

Crystalline Version of Envy

Crystalline Version of Excluded

Crystalline Version of Fear*

Crystalline Version of Frustration*

Crystalline Version of Furious

Crystalline Version of Guilt*

Crystalline Version of Grief*

Crystalline Version of Hatred

Crystalline Version of Heartache

Crystalline Version of Helpless

Crystalline Version of Hopeless*

Crystalline Version of Horror

Crystalline Version of Hostile

Crystalline Version of Hurt

Crystalline Version of Impatience

Crystalline Version of Inadequate

Crystalline Version of Indecisive

Crystalline Version of Indignation

Crystalline Version of Insecurity*

Crystalline Version of Interrupted

Crystalline Version of Intruded On

Crystalline Version of Invisible

Crystalline Version of Irritation (Annoyed)*

Crystalline Version of Jealousy

Crystalline Version of Judgment (or Self Judgment)

Crystalline Version of Lack of Control

Crystalline Version of Loneliness

Crystalline Version of Longing

Crystalline Version of Lost

Crystalline Version of Loss

Crystalline Version of Melancholy

Crystalline Version of Misled

Crystalline Version of Misunderstood

Crystalline Version of Nervous

Crystalline Version of Obligated*

Crystalline Version of Overwhelm*

Crystalline Version of Panic

Crystalline Version of Pointlessness

Crystalline Version of Powerless

Crystalline Version of Pressure*

Crystalline Version of Rage

Crystalline Version of Regret*

Crystalline Version of Reluctant

Crystalline Version of Rejection

Crystalline Version of Remorse

Crystalline Version of Resentment*

Crystalline Version of Restlessness

Crystalline Version of Resigned

Crystalline Version of Righteousness

Crystalline Version of Sadness

Crystalline Version of Scarcity (Lack)

Crystalline Version of Self Conscious

Crystalline Version of Shame*

Crystalline Version of Shock

Crystalline Version of Stressed

Crystalline Version of Stuck

Crystalline Version of Suspicious

Crystalline Version of Tension

Crystalline Version of Terror

Crystalline Version of Trapped

Crystalline Version of Traumatized

Crystalline Version of Unappreciated

Crystalline Version of Uncertain

Crystalline Version of Uncomfortable

Crystalline Version of Uneasy

Crystalline Version of Unimportant

Crystalline Version of Ungrounded

Crystalline Version of Unpopular

Crystalline Version of Unsettled

Crystalline Version of Unstable

Crystalline Version of Unsupported*

Crystalline Version of Unworthy*

Crystalline Version of Urgent [Urgency]

Crystalline Version of Violated

Crystalline Version of Vulnerable*

Crystalline Version of Wary

Crystalline Version of Weak (Ineffective)

Crystalline Version of Weary

Crystalline Version of Wishy Washy

Crystalline Version of Worried

Crystalline Version of Empty

Crystalline Version of Exposed

Modules for this product 129
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