The Desire Program

If there is a desire alive in your heart, that doesn't come from any kind of "rescue me" place, that might even be inconvenient and feels like it's far a way or taking a while to get there, The Desire Program is for you. 

Being a conscious co-creator in this reality is *how* you were designed.

You have

> the vessel (your body), 

> the tools (your emotional intelligence) 

> the means (your emotions)...

It's time to put all of that together to create what you're here to live.

Here's what you might not know…

There's a NATURAL creative process you go through to bring your Pure Hearts Desires through you.

Most of what's been taught in the realm of manifestation (be high vibe, get into alignment by being sparkly + happy + thinking positive thoughts)

And what's been taught in the EQ space (cope with your emotions, mindset shift + fix your damage)

Create SHAME and RESISTANCE around your NATURAL creative process 👀

It breaks my heart that things you're trying to do right end up eroding:

> Trust in your desires

> Your confidence to create

Inside the DESIRE program, I'm going to show you your natural creative process so that you can decondition and:

✔️have clarity about your desire

✔️trust yourself to take clear steps toward it

✔️know you can handle whatever comes up on the way

The DESIRE program includes:

✔️3 live trainings

✔️ workshop where you get support to open up + let through the purest hearts desires you hold and *see* the next steps to take to bring them to life.

Here is a breakdown of what's inside the trainings: 

Day One: Contacting your Desire. Sometimes the struggle in our relationship with desire is having contact with it in the first place.  Because there is conditioning around what it means to have a desire in the first place (eek, don't want to be in scarcity vibes, don't want to seem desperate) and because you may have been hurt by contacting desire.  We're going to clear all that up in this training and show you how you can reliably make contact with your pure hearts desire.

Day Two: On the Way to Your Desire.  This is where our relationship with desire gets complicated because you've been conditioned to try all the magical manifestation tools, hustle, try to be perfect, force, and... it feels like all you're getting is set backs.  In this module, I show you the natural process that's meant to happen in this part of your journey so you can enjoy the creative process.

Dy Three:  Holding your Desire.  This is the most neglected phase of your relationship with desire.  And it definitely needs your attention so you can experience a sense of satisfaction, peace and success in your relationship with desire.  We'll get into exactly why in this training. 

We START: Thursday April 11th

Investment: $444 or 2 monthly payments of $222

Are you coming? 

Let's sweeten the pot a little... there are some bonuses

BONUS #1: 30% discount off your first month of the Living Crystalline Emotion Membership. Working with 5D emotions is a HUGE KEY to having access to your creative power, plus there is incredible hands on support available in the membership. Such a powerful combination to do the Desire Program alongside the Membership! Right now the membership is month to month (this will be changing in May) so you can cancel after 1 month or stay forever.

BONUS #2:  Use $111 of your investment in the Desire Program toward the next round of The Exception (tentatively happening in August), my signature relationship program for the high value person looking to create EXCEPTIONAL relationships.  And, you'll be the first to know about when it's coming so you can apply the $111 to the behind the scenes price (the lowest it will ever be).  

Modules for this product 5
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 $444.00 USD
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 $222.00 USD  ( then $222.00 USD a month )

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