Emotional Prosperity February 2024

If you experience emotions as complicated, chaotic, or you tend to intellectualize + edit them and you know on a deep level it doesn't need to be like this, you're in the right place. 

Emotions are a source of power and intelligence.  They are the way your highest, most unconditioned self sends information through your nervous system to guide you along your highest trajectory (aka the experiences that are the most aligned, magnetic expression of you resulting in the close relationships, family experiences and business your heart desires).  

It's just... most of the conditioning around emotion has taught you to shut down this intelligence.  Mostly because the power of emotion is just now rising to the surface as we are moving into higher levels of consciousness.

Emotional Prosperity is a gateway to:

> Have the clarity and energy to move with purpose in your business or career instead of floating in confusion and resignation.

> Begin feeling like you are safe in your most important relationships REGARDLESS of the emotions that show up and in fact, that the emotions that show up are part of those relationships becoming stronger + more aligned.  

> Moving beyond seeking relief from emotion to having the ability to trust emotion and your sensitivity, which cuts down on emotional labor of trying to edit emotion, manage other people's emotions or contain your sensitivity.

Inside this program, we'll dive into: 

> Creating safety with emotion so you can free up the energy and time that gets chewed up trying so hard to be emotionally strategic in your conversations, people pleasing or being so flooded in emotion that the rest of life comes to a screeching halt. 

> Dialing up the clarity around your very specific emotional process so you have a blueprint that you can build on for how you operate emotionally. This allows you to honor yourself, embrace the gifts of your sensitivity and use them to create a ripple of EQ upgrades across your most important relationships.

> Cleaning up where you’re leaking power around emotion so you are free of unnecessary emotional labor and break away from healing loops, which gives you the SPACE to expand your emotional bandwidth so you feel LIBERATED by emotion, not overwhelmed by it.

You don't need to behave around emotion.  

The work is becoming a more powerful vessel for it in the way that is CORRECT for YOU.  I'm not here to tell you what's correct for you.  

I'm here to guide you in discovering that so you can have access to the true power of emotion.

How are we going to do this? 

It will happen through:

>> 4 live weekly trainings: This is where you get the culmination of 17 years of experience as a Marriage and Family Therapist working with emotions and the blueprint for New Paradigm Emotional Intelligence so that you can access the energy, power and information emotion has been wanting to download to you for a lifetime (maybe lifetimes).  You’ve been looking for this access to this level of power that emotion holds on your personal healing journey.  You will finally find it here.

>> A concurrent Voxer chat:  Doing this work inside a community gives you an opportunity to feel the heaven of relating to others in a clean, clear, conscious way around emotion.  When you experience this kind of relating around emotion, you can take it to the relationship spaces in your life so that your relationships begin to calibrate to this level of intimacy around emotion.  The Voxer chat has been the biggest highlight of this container from those who have done this program. 

We start Thursday, February 1st with the first training and we'll open the Voxer chat then.

All trainings will be Thursdays at 11am PST and recorded. 

Your Investment is:

Pay in Full: $749

Payment Plans: 2 monthly payments of $375.

Literally cheaper than a month of therapy...and you'll get SO MUCH MORE. Trust me, as a therapist for 17 years, I know what people got out of a month of therapy.  And after running this program a couple times, I see the difference this format and this information makes. 

Here are some of the take aways people experienced in previous rounds: 

"I feel like a lot more emotions are completing and unlocking because I'm not forcing them to end or cutting them off early. This surrender and trust in the process spilled over into the rest of my life as well. :D"

"I changed the victim mentality I had around emotions and how they were "happening to me". I now more clearly see and recognize them as information being delivered to me through my highest self. It's a lot easier to pause and honor them as valuable experiences in this light."

"My capacity to hold bigger/more intense emotions and sensations, and my window of tolerance increased as well both through shifting the way I view them and also through opening up to experiencing them somatically instead of needing to escape them/needing them to end. This expanded capacity and trust in the process has unlocked things in other areas of my life as well."

"Being able to Be with emotions in the body and not name them or check out from them"

"Definitely naming the emotions, noticing the sensations and trusting them lead me to clarity."

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5 Modules

Break Up with Healing Loops Masterclass

This is the prework for Emotional Prosperity.  One of the biggest blocks to Emotional Prosperity and getting all of the expansion out of the personal development work you do is getting stuck in healing loops. Inside this masterclass, we break down the core beliefs that get you stuck in the healing loops so we can catch them and break them.

Training #1: Creating Safety with Emotion

Without safety around emotion, there is no access to the prosperity of it.  In this module, we dive deeply into the practices of creating safety around emotion.

Training #2: Emotional Blueprint Markers in Human Design for You + Your Loved Ones

Learn about the different markers for your Emotional Blueprint embedded in your Human Design + those markers for those you love

Training #3: Clearing up Distortions Around Emotion and Expanding Your Capacity

Distortions around emotion take up a lot of bandwidth.  In this training, we look at what those are + how to clear them up so that you can increase your capacity to allow emotion to move through you, ultimately giving you more access to the prosperity emotion has in store for you.

Training #4: Constellations of Emotion and Seeing Undercurrents of Emotion in Communication

In this module, we look at how emotions work together as constellations so we can tap into the power of emotions working in concert with one another.  And how to bring awareness to sneaky ways emotions creep into communication so we can bring that to the surface and have communication that is more effective, clear and clean around emotion.

Modules for this product 5
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 Pay in Full
 $749.00 USD
 Payment Plan
 $375.00 USD  ( then $375.00 USD for 1 months )

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