Living Crystalline Emotion®

What if I told you that being Emotionally Intelligent doesn't have to stop at: "holding your human" until hard feelings pass and definitely doesn't include editing your emotions.

That, actually, there's a New Paradigm of Emotional Intelligence where you can consciously alchemize emotions so they open up new spaces to you. Spaces that cannot be accessed by your conscious mind.

Let me show you what this looks like:

Imagine feeling so frustrated you're ready to tear down a telephone pole and THEN laughing hysterically because you suddenly see that what's frustrating you is actually the Universe giving you something better than you were willing to give yourself. 

Or, how about: 

Feeling a deep sadness welling up in your chest that you want to resist with everything you have and then you let the dam burst because you know it's safe to feel and what you find is that the very thing you'd been resisting is actually deeply important to you, in ways you hadn't allowed yourself to see.  As a result, this creates a massive shift in your life priorities and trajectory.

Can you feel what I mean? 

Emotions are gateways that open and illuminate the path between you and your pure heart's desires. 

The keys to the gates are held in Crystalline Emotion®, a biotechnology that supports you in shifting emotions from 3D to 5D and above.

Inside this Membership, you get to practice moving from:

> Having moments where you are overwhelmed with emotion and you're desperately trying to fix your face, but your tone betrays you 

> Being in the spiral of "I hate feeling this way" so much that you're grabbing your phone or a cookie before the feeling even reaches your conscious awareness

> Knee deep in the mental gymnastics of "what's wrong with me" or "what's wrong with you"


> Trusting the guidance of your emotions so you can communicate or give yourself what you need without anything being wrong

> Being so checked in that you know when a feeling is coming up so you can meet it eye to eye and make conscious choices

> Knowing there's nothing wrong with you so you can be clear, present and connected to show up as the attuned parent, loving partner, emotionally available friend that you are

How does this happen? 

>> You have access to FIFTY 5D versions of emotions.  Each Crystalline Emotion has an original channeled audio journey of the energetic journey from the 3D emotion to its 5D version.  This journey is shown to me mostly through clairvoyant images.  Given that a picture is worth a thousand words and images are the language of the subconscious mind, the audios are multidimensional in nature, full of gifts just waiting to be discovered by those that listen to create a shift that goes beyond logic. 

>> 2 in depth trainings: These trainings include high level guidance for how to work with this biotechnology.  These trainings are available as soon as you sign up. I explain what a biotechnology is and exactly how to work with it so you get to play inside a context for emotion that's more powerful that you ever thought possible. 

>> Monthly Group Coaching Calls where you receive more information on 2 5D emotions per month AND to get individualized support on how to shift the emotions you experience to 5D in your life. This will be the place you come and work with me to dissolve the old conditioning so you can update your emotional processing system toward holding a 5D creative frequency instead of being stuck in healing loops around emotion and BEGIN TO FINALLY BREAK THE PATTERNS YOU’VE BEEN WANTING TO BREAK FOR SO LONG. [Monthly group calls are up to 90 minutes on the third Tuesday of each month at 11am PST, replays always available and you can submit your questions via email if you're not able to make it to the call]

>> Monthly Getting to the Gold Workshop where I support you LIVE in completing emotions. You intellectually know how to practice this skill.  But there’s something elusive about this work. There’s always the question: Did I complete it? How come I’m not feeling any shifts?  I can't tell you how many times I hear people tell me, I thought I was doing it, but I see that I wasn't. So on this call, I will bring up those who are willing one by one and we'll work together on completing emotion so you can experientially see the next level of completing emotion that's available for you.  Witnessing other people do this will also be incredibly illuminating for you. I want you have as much access to the value of Crystalline Emotion and not being able to complete emotion is the most common barrier. 

>> Weekly Telegram Mondays: This is a community space where we get to share what a shift feels and looks like so you can see all the different ways a shift can look and feel (in terms of how it looks shifting a specific emotion from 3D to 5D), train your attention toward seeing a shift, decondition away from "emotions are problems" and condition you toward "emotions are portals".  

This begins to shift your experience of emotion in the moment, supporting you to build neutrality around emotion so you become a powerful vessel for it.  [The Telegram space is not for receiving coaching from me or asking questions about working with the biotechnology or emotion in general, this is reserved for calls

This is for you if you: 

> have the unmistakable internal drive for personal evolution, you feel the pull of the ascension journey getting stronger, traditional personal development and emotional intelligence practices feel like they are falling short and you're looking for the next step to expand 

> want to move beyond the struggle with your sensitivity + are ready to be open to experiencing the inherent magic of your sensitivity

> want to feel freedom in your relationships to allow what arises instead of being in a cycle of preventing and protecting

Feedback someone working with Crystalline Emotions in this way

"I think every single day, I was so emotionally chaotic, my nervous system was awful. And I'm just seeing months later that my capacity and tolerance for really difficult emotions has grown. And it's allowed me to not only be there with my emotions, but also to navigate like others emotions, who are people who are going through similar things and who don't have the same tools as I do, and I've actually been able to offer that as a resource. Now I'm just seeing this potential of what life looks like, without being so exhausted by some of these emotional states. Even the conversations I feel, I've been having outside of this call have just been so deep."

Are you ready? Click the button at the bottom of the screen to join.

Maybe you have a couple more questions?  I got you:

Is there anyone this is not for

Yes, this is not for you if you:

> want a quick fix

> believe this is a formula that makes it so you don't feel "bad" emotions or experience hard things

> do not have a basic foundation for being able to be with emotions safely

Important note: a basic foundation for being with emotions safely is not basic at all. Many people were never taught and if you weren't and you need that, I honor you. This simply isn't the space that will be most supportive.  If you don't know where you can find that support, please message me on instagram or at and I can point you in the right direction.

Now... how do you feel?  

Are you ready to dive in and experience the world of Crystalline Emotion®? 

5 Modules

What is Crystalline Emotion®? [45 min]

In this training, we download the basic framework of multidimensional emotion.  By having a framework, we create an important context for putting this biotechnology into practice.

How to Powerfully Work with Crystalline Emotion® [52 min]

A training to create a powerful context around experiencing emotion multidimensionally and how you can actually use this biotechnology in your every day lived experience. 

2024 Getting to the Gold Workshops

This is a monthly 60 minute workshop where you come forward and witness others coming forward to get support on completing emotions.  Completed emotions are what yield the gold of an emotion. 

Modules for this product 5
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